Monday 13 February 2017

Things we need to check before a buying a smart phone

Mobile technology have turned to be an important factor in human nature! So its obvious for knowing the important features before buying a mobile phone.What are all the things we need to check before buying a smart phone?

Here we go First of all you need to ask yourself what is my purpose for buying a smart phone,such as 

  • Photography, 
  • Gaming, 
  • Casual usage,
  • Entertainment and Business purpose or 
  • All together.
If you are not a brand concious person like me!then go with value for money smart phone ,since chinese smartphones have created a revolution in india.Well if you dont have have any budget issues then go with your branded ones as per your preference.

There are many things we can check through reviews such as        

  • Call quality,
  • Display quality(if u like watching HD movies unlike me),
  • Sound quality,
  • Camera and battery(anything less than 3000mah battery for a 5.5inch size and 2500 mah for 5 inch is not worth buying)
  • And if you like Gaming! do check the gaming review of that model. 
Nowadays the main problem in smartphones is the heating issues,which is normal while playing games or multitasking but if the same is repeated during call connectivity that's a different story.
so, you have to be cautious about it.

For music lovers there are many smartphones specially made for you guys with Dolby speakers and more options are available overall believe me! i am a music lover and i have grabbed one for myself. 

Before buying a smart phone check that particular brand will be providing any future updates or not which will be a head ache later. If Yes go for it,if No check for one more thing in internet whether the particular model of your choice is rootable or not,
there is a site called XDA.Do check it out its nothing complicated you can find lots of videos in youtube. 

Yeah!, there is one more thing which is very important check for service centers in your city.

If your done checking all these things you can successfully purchase a smartphone you like without any regrets.For more information visit Brainak


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